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International Gaming History Day 2024: Here’s everything you need to know about this special day, from history to today.
International Playdate Day 2024: Technology has taken over our lives and we are trying to get all the information possible from Technology – when its benefits like speed and efficiency are easily accessible, it also deprives Him of the joy of gaming. taking. outdoors, get dirty, have fun, make offline friends and create the memories of a lifetime. Children of this generation rarely have fun playing outside. They are so engrossed in their mobile phones, smart TVs and internet activities that they cannot go out and find happiness in nature.
International Playdate Day is celebrated to highlight the importance of playing outdoors to encourage children to make friends and find happiness. There are a few things to keep in mind as we prepare to celebrate this special day.
Every year, International Playdate Day is celebrated on January 21. This year the special day will be on Sunday.
Ilona Viluma, mother and CEO of GIGI Bloks, started the idea and campaign of the playdate. He researched how the behaviour of children who are dependent on technology in many matters can be changed. This also affects their intelligence and communication skills. World Sports Day is celebrated every year to encourage parents to get their children out of the house and introduce them to the outside world.
One of the best ways to celebrate International Sports Day is to organize children to play together and encourage them to take part in activities related to the events. Making friends and enjoying making memories can help us understand ourselves better. With this special day falling on a Sunday this year, we can encourage other parents to join those around us and join in the fun.